What does my initial site visit cost?

The first visit and initial phone conversation is always free of charge. Actual consulting starts at $100 per hour.

What size projects do you do?

We can handle any size project. Our mission is to get hyper local produce to anyone willing to put forth the effort to grow it.

How much does design cost?

This is dependent of your scope and size project. Design work starts at $100 per hour and goes up based on complexity. The average backyard design is around $5,000 and a larger commuity or culinary garden starts around $9,000.

How much is your custom growing?

Custom growing is based on expected volume and market price pressure plus complexity and yield of the crop. Most initial grows require no upfront investment.

How much does management cost?

Our management consulting is based on frequency, scope, and services needed. Your initial visit is free and we can give you an ongoing price at that time.

Do you work with builders, hotels, restaurants, HOA’s, and city governments?

Yes. All. We do not consult for any for profit commerical farming venture, but can curate a garden that fits the special needs of all the above categories.

Do you do training for my in-house staff?

Yes. We can consult and train caregivers of your garden.

Will my garden replace the need for produce shopping?

This depends on your garden size, and home cooking preferences. You can expect 1-5 lbs of produce per square foot per year in an average intensity urban garden.

Is Culinary Farmhouse organic?

We use natural, biodynamic, and organic practices depending on location and preference. Your site can become certified organic, but this is a lengthy process that most would not care to go through.

Do you raise chickens or livestock?

Most local laws do not allow for livestock in uban areas. We have some chickens at our own farm. We can give you tips to help you establish or manage your backyard flock, but this is not our specialty.

Is urban farming cost effective?

This depends. In short, you could never replicate the costs associated with the massive mono-cropping farms of our food system in your backyard. However, the flavor and nutrient density of produce picked moments before eating is priceless. If you are trying to grow a garden to reduce your grocery bill, let us know so we can choose crops that are relatively expensive in the market to help you. We specialize in helping you create a small scale sustainable garden. We do not consult with for profit commerical farms.

Do you offer recipes?

Yes, part of our service is to help you use the produce you grow. From unique cocktails, side dishes, and interesting mains, we share our love and passion for hyper local food. For more information, check out our blog.

What is your “Plants and Champs” event?

Everything is in the title. We provide Plants (for sale) and Champange to drink making for a unique house or corporate event.